Where It All Begins

Where It All Begins


In its truest sense, the word means kindness, generosity, and a deep commitment to the greater good. It’s a concept cherished in ancient Roman culture and central to Stoic philosophy. It’s a reminder that even the smallest acts of goodwill can create ripples of change, shaping the world around us in ways we may never fully see.


Our world is changing. We’re changing. When I was little, everything felt so full of wonder. The world seemed brighter, simpler, like everything good was just there waiting to be discovered. But as we grow up, we start to see through the cracks. We start to understand that not everything is as it seems, that the world is not as kind as we thought.


I think a lot, probably too much. I find myself searching for that same wonder I had as a kid, but the more I look, the more it seems to slip away. I try to find purpose in the everyday, but it’s hard. The world feels heavier now, more complicated. The truth feels like it’s buried under layers of noise and lies. And the biggest truth I’ve learned is that lies are everywhere.


We lie to each other. We lie to ourselves. And the people we look to for guidance, the ones who are supposed to lead us forward, are often the biggest liars of all. It’s like the world is being pulled in a direction that doesn’t feel right, but we’re all too distracted to notice. We’re told we’re more connected than ever, that technology and social media have brought us closer together. But is that true? Are we really connecting?


I don’t think so. I think we’re more divided, more isolated, more lost than ever before. We’re not living in truth. We’re not living in connection. We’re living in a world where division and confusion reign. Where the truth is hard to find and real connection feels like a relic of the past. It’s like we’re all walking around with blinders on, believing that this is just how things are, how they’re meant to be. But I don’t believe that.


I don’t have all the answers. I don’t know how to fix everything. But I do believe that if we come together, if we choose honesty over comfort, if we stop pretending everything is fine when it isn’t, we can find a way forward. But it has to be together. It has to be real.


Social media was supposed to help us connect, but it feels like it’s done the opposite. It’s become a place of noise, of empty connections and shallow interactions. It’s not a place for truth. It’s not a place for real community. We need something different. We need a space that feels human. A space where we can be honest with each other, where we can share our stories, learn from each other, and start building something better.


That’s why I started Benevolentia. Not just as a brand, but as a place where real connection matters. Where kindness and generosity aren’t just words, but actions. Where the goal is not just to sell you something, but to create something meaningful. A movement, a story, a hope for something greater.


I want this journal to be a space where we can share our thoughts, our stories, our adventures, our dreams. A place where truth and authenticity matter more than polish, where every entry is a step toward building something real. I hope that as you read this, you feel a sense of connection. I hope you see a bit of yourself in these words, that you feel like you’re part of this story, too.


Because the truth is, we’re all part of this. Every small act of kindness, every honest conversation, every choice to do good, it all matters. It all creates ripples. And those ripples can become waves.


Humans are not built for stagnation; we thrive on adventure, connection, and the pursuit of life’s greatest experiences. I don’t know how, but my hope is that through Benevolentia, we can bring people together, through truth, knowledge, and adventure, creating a hub for the betterment of humanity. A testament to what we can achieve when we unite with purpose, when we choose growth over comfort, when we embrace the journey toward something greater.


So, here’s to finding the wonder again. To rediscovering what it means to live in truth and connection. To building a place where we can all come together and make something better. I’m glad you’re here. Let’s see where this journey takes us.


- Devin

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